
Problems on Trains Questions with Answers

Probs on Trains Quiz 5

8 Mins

10 Ques.

Probs on Trains Quiz 4

8 Mins

10 Ques.

Probs on Trains Quiz 3

8 Mins

10 Ques.

Probs on Trains Quiz 2

8 Mins

10 Ques.

Probs on Trains Quiz 1

8 Mins

10 Ques.

From the point of view of some of the major competitive exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Junior Associate, RRB Clerk, RRB Scale 1 Officer, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, and LIC Assistant, problems on trains are very important.  Questions from this topic are asked in different formats like finding meeting time when two trains moving in opposite direction, two trains moving in same direction, train crossing a stationary object of a given length like a platform or bridge, train crossing a stationary object like a pole or a man. A good knowledge of topics like speed, relative speed, time, distance, and formulae required to obtain them is necessary to solve these questions effectively.​​​​​​​

Though these questions demand a good knowledge of different topics, if you practice regularly with Smartkeeda problems on trains questions with answers, you can solve train-related questions in a very short time in the exam. In our practice sets, we have included important problems on trains question with answers asked in different exams along with important techniques and short tricks required to solve these problems. You can also download practice sets of problems on trains questions pdf and learn how to use problems on trains formulae in different ways for a better score in your upcoming exams.


Frequently Asked Questions

Problems on trains questions are presented in formats like finding meeting time for trains moving in opposite or same directions, and determining the time taken to cross stationary objects like platforms, bridges, poles, or individuals.
Solving problems on trains effectively requires a good understanding of topics like speed, relative speed, time, distance, and the formulas required to obtain them.
Yes! The problems on trains questions PDFs, available for download, offer a convenient resource to learn and apply formulas in different ways, enhancing your preparation for upcoming exams.
Definitely! By regularly practicing these problems with Smartkeeda, you can develop quick problem-solving skills for train-related questions, and save time for more complex problem in your exams.
Yes, these materials are designed to be beginner-friendly. Our solutions are presented in an easy-to-understand manner, making them accessible for candidates at various skill levels.