How to Become an Expert in Speed Math with Speed Drills

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By Smartkeeda
25 Feb 2025
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What is Speed Mathematics?

Think of the times you have been at your local Kirana shop, getting your change back. How does the shopkeeper know what denominations to ask for and give back, within seconds, while you are still counting numbers on your fingers? Well, that’s what Speed Maths is. In simple words, it is a skill that allows you to solve mathematical problems within a few minutes so that you don’t get stuck in the trap of numbers, whether in daily life or competitive exams.

Why is Speed Math Important for Competitive Exams?

Shakuntala Devi once said “Without math, there’s nothing you can do” and without speed math, there is nothing much one can do, in competitive exams. Speed Maths tricks, not only allow you to be faster than your local shopkeeper but also increase your maths speed exponentially.

The Importance of Speed in Mathematics

The speed of mathematics is what separates the top 1% of the candidates from the rest. Competitive exams don’t just test your knowledge, they also check how good you are at putting the knowledge to use. And let’s be real, what good does knowing formulas do if you cannot use them efficiently?

  • Time flies. Every second counts and you have to make use of every fraction of the small amount of time you are given.
  • Reduces silly mistakes. When you are slow, you panic and make silly mistakes, Speed Maths tricks help you overcome those obstacles.
  • Gives you an edge. Speed maths for bank exams is a non-negotiable but it makes you smarter than the rest, outside the world of competitive exams as well.

Speed Maths Tricks for Faster Calculations

When Michael Altshuler said "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot”, he was probably talking about the importance of Speed Maths tricks in competitive exams. If you are here, I am sure you already know that in SBI PO Prelims, you get just 20 minutes for 35 Quantitative Aptitude questions, which gives you only 34 seconds per question! Which makes speed a differentiating factor.

Now the question is, how do you learn to calculate at the speed of light? How about, I tell you that it is very much possible with the help of Smartkeeda Speed drills?

  • Vedic Math Techniques for Quick Arithmetic. You know how Jugaad works? Like a good life-hack you found on the internet randomly, Vedic Math Techniques are the Jugaad for quantitative aptitude section, less efforts but more accuracy! Jokes apart, Vedic Math are the techniques that have been used since ages to perform quick calculations using easy formulas
  • Mental Math Strategies to Improve Calculation Speed. Along with the Jugaad of Vedic Math, Mental Math strategies help you spot patterns, make quick approximations and solve questions instantly ultimately helping you manage your time better.

Speed Drills: The Ultimate Tool to Boost Your Math Speed

Best Way to Increase Speed & Accuracy

It’s been established that you cannot ace any competitive exam without Speed Maths tricks but now let’s discuss the right tools to get there. If maths in competitive exams were bodybuilding, Speed Drills would be your cardio!

You need to train consistently to get your desired physique, similarly, Smartkeeda Speed Drills train your brain to not only increase maths speed but also be able to crack a question within the limit of 34 seconds without breaking a sweat!

  • Pick your topic. Find the topics where you are lagging or the topics you want to strengthen from the diverse range of topics.
  • Set your challenge. You can choose from sets of 10, 20 or 35 questions, depending on what topics you would like to practice.
  • Timed tests. These tests start with a timer on the screen so that you are aware of the time you are spending on each question which helps you to get used to the pressure of the exam.
  • Explanation with questions. With every question you attempt or don’t attempt, there will be an explanation attached, so that you know what the topper’s approach would have been for solving each question.
  • Detailed Analysis. Based on your performance, you will get a detailed report that discusses your strengths and weaknesses, which is important to make the right strategies for the final day.

How Speed Drills Help Improve Calculation Speed

SmartKeeda Speed Drills aren’t questions from your class 6th Mental Math book, they are specifically designed to gradually increase your speed of mathematics and give you an edge over your fellow aspirants, helping you solve faster with greater accuracy.

  • Reduces reaction time. With consistent practice, it helps reduce your reaction time, allowing you to reach the answer faster than you usually would.
  • Faster than formulas. You know that kid who knows all the formula but gets stuck the moment a tiny detail slips? With Smartkeeda Speed Drills, you wouldn’t have to depend entirely on your memory when you have the instincts that guide you.
  • Targets your weak spots. Our Speed Drills are designed to help you find your weak spots and work on them with you, so that you don’t ever get stuck.

Benefits of Using Speed Drills for Speed Mathematics

Other than making you smarter and faster than your local Kirana shopkeeper, there are advantages to them, more than you can count! Smartkeeda Speed Drills make you so fast that you can think on your feet!

  • Enhances Accuracy. Being able to reach answers accurately when you are up against the clock is important in competitive exams.
  • Retention Power. Familiarity with Speed Maths questions will make your recalling ability better and that is what you need on the final day.
  • Spotting Traps. Competitive exams test your analytical skills, so it is important to learn to identify the traps that steal your time.
  • Manage Time Better. Smartkeeda Speed Drills are the best way of learning how to divide your time, determine which questions to finish quickly and decide when to slow down to crack the difficult ones.

How Speed Drills Increase Speed Math for Bank Exams

As we have already discussed, Speed Maths for Bank Exams isn’t just necessary, it is your emergency kit. Smartkeeda Speed Drills will make sure you don’t freeze under pressure and panic; rather, you crunch those numbers in time.

  • Low-Hanging Fruits. Targeting easy topics like approximation and number series that take less time to solve. It is beneficial to get them out of your way so that you can focus on relatively more difficult areas like Arithmetic and Data Interpretation.
  • Recreating Exam like Scenario. To be able to perform well on D-Day, Smartkeeda Speed Drills simulate the exam like conditions, so that you get used to the pressure and perform well.
  • Recognize Patterns. With daily practice of Speed Maths, you coach your brain to find patterns and instinctively reach the answers.
  • Gives Confidence. Consistently solving Smartkeeda Speed Drills, paired with the right strategies will give you enormous confidence on the final day!

Practicing Speed Maths Questions

When you are racing against time and find yourself losing faith, what you need in that instant is your instinct guiding you in the right direction. Practicing Speed Maths questions with the help of Smartkeeda Speed Drills, does exactly that for you.

Speed Maths isn’t just knowing the tricks, it is also building reflexes and muscle memory. It is like driving in heavy traffic. An experienced driver knows when to switch lanes and when to slow down. Speed Maths makes you that experienced driver who knows how to navigate through the tricky situations.

  • Make it a habit. Just like brushing your teeth, make it a habit to practice Smartkeeda Speed Drills religiously to be fully prepared for D-Day. Start with 15 minutes a day, gradually increase the time, and master Speed Maths.
  • Push Your Limits. Step out of your comfort zone as soon as you start finding the questions easy. Speed Drills allow you to increase the difficulty level to keep challenging yourself.
  • Monitor your growth. Smartkeeda Speed Drills allow you to keep a track of your progress and identify the areas where you need improvement.
  • Mock Tests. Like dress rehearsals, they let you experience the exam conditions beforehand, ultimately helping you build confidence in your preparation.

Speed Maths isn’t an accessory to your PC, it is actually the Wi-Fi connection. Without it, everything slows down. And let’s be real, who wants a lagging PC?

With Smartkeeda Speed Drills, you won’t just master Speed Maths, you will calculate at the speed of light, just like a high-speed Wi-Fi connection!