Maths Questions For SSC CGL, CHSL 2018 2019 with Free PDF

Hello Aspirants, the wait is over now SSC finally released their 2018 exams calendar in 2019. It means all SSC Exams will be conducted in 2019. Now each aspirant have to start more and more practice to gain a high score in the exam. In this exercise, you will find maths questions for SSC CGL 2019, SSC CHSL 2019 and Other SSC Exams at Free of Cost. The above exercise is made by our maths experts, they brought you Most Important Maths Questions for SSC CGL 2019 with Explanation. So you can get the desired job easily or you can say practice by practice the minimum number of question which has a high probability to appear in your next big exams SSC CGL 2019, these exercises will update on a regular basis which through you can practice variety questions of maths. So Keep Learning and Keep Practicing
You can even practice here mixed exercise of SSC CGL and Individual ones. Individuals exercise are made of single chapters quizzes.
Geometry: Is it possible to find the height of a tower by merely observing the length of its shadow and the position of the sun? Is it within our powers to deduce the dimensions of a cylindrical container by measuring the height and circumference of the heap of grain that has been poured out of it? One doesn’t need to be a Sherlock Holmes to crack these mysteries. Anyone with an elementary knowledge of geometry will be able to answer these questions. Geometry plays a major role in SSC Exams 2 to 3 questions generally being asked in SSC CGL Tier 1 and SSC CHSL and questions number increased as per the total number of question in particular exams like in SSC CGL Tier 2, that value increased by 5 to 10 questions. Here are some Important Geometry Chapters Links:
Circle Questions for SSC CGL Click Here....
Trigonometry Questions For SSC CGL Click Here...
Triangle Questions for SSC CGL Click Here...
Lines and Angles Questions for SSC CGL Click Here...
Quadrilateral and Polygon for SSC CGL Click Here...
Height and Distance Questions for SSC CGL Click here...
Arithmetic: Arithmetic plays a major role in every competitive exam, almost 60 to 70 percent questions made from arithmetic maths. So it obvious it is most important for SSC Exams as well. Here are some Arithmetic Chapters Link for SSC Exams:
Time and Work Questions for SSC CGL Click Here...
Profit and Loss Questions for SSC CGL Click Here...
Simple Interest Questions for SSC CGL Click Here...
Average Questions for SSC Exams Click Here...
Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams Click Here...
Problems On Trains for SSC Exams Click Here...
Mensuration: How many tiles measuring 12 ft × 6 ft would you need to completely tile a wall that has an area of 72 sq. ft? You can answer this and many other such questions by modeling mensuration formulas. Mensuration involve known values, such as the dimensions of each tile and the area of the wall, and unknown values, such as the number of tiles required. Generally, these expressions are in the form of equations where the unknown values are represented using formulas. Here are links of Mensuration Exercise for SSC Exams:
Area Questions for SSC CGL Click Here....
Volume and Surface Area For SSC CGL Click Here...
Algebra: Algebra helps you find answers to far more complex problems than the relatively simple task listed in the example above. Even the most complicated program algorithms written can be boiled down to the algebraic expressions that reside at their cores. The real power of algebra lies in the fact that it allows you to manipulate some variables to study the behavior of the other variables in an expression. Algebra questions asked in SSC CGL and SSC CHSL or every other SSC Exam, around 2 to 3 questions is asked. Here are some links of Algebra Exercise for SSC Exams:
Basic Operation Quiz for SSC CGL Click Here...
Surds and Indices Quiz for SSC CGL Click Here...
HCF and Polynomials Quiz for SSC CGL Click Here...
I hope this above article and exercise will help you to crack your SSC CGL 2018 or 2019 and SSC CHSL 2018 as well.
If you want to take new pattern based and previous year pattern based mock test for SSC CGL Tier 1 and SSC CHSL click on the link below J Keep Practicing, Happy Learning.
For SSC CGL Tier 1 Click Here...
For SSC CHSL Click Here...
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