Height and Distance topic is a fundamental part of trigonometry and is used in real-life applications to determine the distance between two or more than two places or to find the height of the object or the angle subtended by any object at a given point without actually measuring the distance or heights or angles. Height and distance questions are commonly asked in major competitive exams such as IBPS, RRB, CDS, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL, Railway, insurance, etc and you can find 2-3 questions from this topic in every exam. Smartkeeda offers a comprehensive collection of height and distance questions with answers, allowing you to practice and become acquainted with the question types commonly presented in this topic.
Height and distance topic generally deals with the measurement and calculation of vertical heights and horizontal distances between objects or points. A good knowledge of trigonometric ratios, including sine, cosine, and tangent, is essential for effectively solving height and distance questions. At Smartkeeda, you can practice height and distance questions with answers available on the website. Additionally, you download Height and Distance Questions PDFs, which serve as valuable resource for in-depth practice and proficiently handle a wide array of questions in your upcoming exams.