Idioms and phrases Questions are an important topic of English language section and questions from this topic can be expected in major competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, LIC Assistant etc. Idioms and phrases are figures of speech that have meanings beyond the literal interpretation of their individual words. In other words, you wouldn’t be able identify the meaning of an idiom or phrase by looking at the meanings of the words. For example, when someone says it’s raining cats and dogs, they don’t mean that there are actual cats and dogs falling from the sky. It means that it’s raining very heavily.
Idioms and phrases are an integral part of a English language and are used to add color, depth, and make communication more interesting. To understand idioms, you have to hear them used in context. Therefore, to gain a strong grasp of this topic for your upcoming exams, you should practice a considerable number of idioms and phrases questions available on the Smartkeeda website. Try to incorporate them into your daily life so that you become familiar with the majority of idioms and phrases and can master this topic with ease.
Certainly, here are different ways in which idioms and phrases questions can be asked in various exams, along with examples for each type:
Type 1: Contextual Understanding
In this type of Idioms and phrases questions, idioms or phrases are used within a passage, and you have to read the passage to understand the context and identify the meaning of that idiom.
Here is a Line from a Passage: "Despite facing numerous challenges, John decided to 'bite the bullet' and start his own business."
Question: What does the idiom 'bite the bullet' mean in the context of the passage?
Type 2: Matching Idioms to Meanings
In this type of Idioms and phrases questions, you are given an idiom, and you have to select the correct meaning from the provided options.
Idiom: "Break a leg"
Type 3: Filling in the Blank
In this type of Idioms and phrases questions, you are given a sentence with a blank, and you have to insert the suitable idiom to complete the sentence.
Sentence: I had __________ in my stomach as I waited for the IBPS PO results to be announced.
"To get/have butterflies in your stomach" is an idiomatic expression that means you are anxious and have a nervous feeling in your stomach.
Type 4: Replacing Highlighted Phrases with Idioms
In this type of Idioms and phrases questions, you are given a sentence with a highlighted portion, and you have to replace that part with a suitable idiom. Example:
Sentence: "Tom always finishes his work on time; he never leaves any 'unresolved matter.'"
Question: Replace 'unresolved matter' with a suitable idiom.
“Loose Ends” means the part of something such as a story that has not been completely finished or explained
These are some common ways idioms and phrases questions can be presented in your competitive exams. The format may vary, but the goal is to assess your understanding of idiomatic expressions and their appropriate usage in context.
You should understand that learning idioms and phrases takes time, so you have to be patient while preparing this topic. Don't get discouraged if you don't grasp them all at once., and here are some important tips to help you learn them quickly:
1. Create Visual Associations:
Put each idiom in a sentence and try to visualize what it means. This visualization can help you remember the context and usage of the idiom. For example, with "spill the beans," imagine someone accidentally knocking over a container of beans and revealing a secret. This mental image can assist in understanding the idiom's meaning.
2. Analyze Word Connections:
Break down the idiom into its component words and draw connections between them. Consider how the individual words relate to the idiom's overall meaning. For instance, with "barking up the wrong tree," explore why "barking" and "tree" might suggest a fruitless or misguided effort in the context of the idiom.
3. Understand Context:
Pay attention to the context in which idioms are used in the sentence. Context can provide clues about the idiom's intended meaning. Using idiomatic expressions in real-life situations can help you understand their practical use.
Consistent practice is key to mastering idioms and phrases. Incorporate them into your daily conversations and writing. At Smartkeeda, you can explore a variety of Idioms and phrases questions previously asked in various competitive exams. You can also regularly test your knowledge of idioms through quizzes and topic tests available at our website.
Mastering idioms and phrases questions requires consistent practice and a deep understanding of each idiom's meaning to retain it effectively. This is where Smartkeeda proves to be your ideal learning companion. With the most extensive collection of idioms and phrases questions, drawn from various competitive exams and memory-based papers, we offer you a comprehensive platform for rapid learning.
Our user-friendly approach includes clear explanations along with examples to aid your comprehension. We provide a wealth of idioms and phrases questions and answers for your practice. In addition, we've designed engaging idioms and phrases quizzes to evaluate your proficiency in this topic.
To embark on your journey to becoming a master of idioms and phrases, visit Smartkeeda and kickstart your practice now!
Q. How can I quickly learn idioms and phrases for competitive exams?
A. To quickly learn idioms and phrases for competitive exams, start by studying examples of how they are used in context. Additionally, practice regularly with idioms and phrases questions, analyze word connections, and understand the context in which they are applied. This approach will help you grasp their meanings and usage effectively.
Q. Why should I choose Smartkeeda for practicing idioms and phrases questions?
A. Smartkeeda is an excellent resource for idioms and phrases questions and answers. We offer a comprehensive collection of questions from various competitive exams, clear explanations, and illustrative examples to enhance your understanding. Smartkeeda also provides quizzes to evaluate your proficiency in this topic, making it a valuable platform for test preparation.
Q. Is it necessary to memorize each and every idiom and phrase?
A. It would be beneficial to be familiar with common idioms but you don't need to memorize every idiom. Focus on understanding the concepts and meanings behind idioms, and gradually build your knowledge. In competitive exams, you'll typically encounter commonly asked idioms that we have included on our website.
Q. What are common mistakes to avoid in idioms and phrases questions?
A. One common mistake to avoid in idioms and phrases questions is choosing the literal meaning of the idiom as the answer. Idioms have figurative meanings that often differ from the literal interpretation of their words.
Q. where can I find free idioms and phrases questions for practice?
A. You can attempt free idioms and phrases questions on Smartkeeda. We offer a wide range of practice questions that you can attempt online or download in PDF format.