English Questions for LIC AAO 2019 | LIC AAO Prelims English Questions Pattern with Examples

New pattern English Grammar questions for LIC AAO 2019 Prelims
The LIC of India has issued a notification on 1st March 2019 regarding the 569 posts of AAO i.e. Assistant Administrative Officer. The recruitment will be done in three phases. Firstly, preliminary exam will be held tentatively in the month of May. Then Mains exam will be held tentatively in the month of June. After that interview will be conducted for the candidates who pass the prelims and mains exam.
Now the most important question that comes to the mind is “What is the pattern of the prelims exam?”
Without making any further delay let us check the pattern of the exam.
Sections | Maximum Questions | Maximum Marks | Cut-off marks | Duration | Mode | |
SC/ST | Others | |||||
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 16 | 18 | 20 minutes | Hindi and English |
Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 16 | 18 | 20 minutes | Hindi and English |
English Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension |
30 | 30 | 9 | 10 | 20 minutes | English |
The unique thing in LIC AAO prelims 2019 exam is that the English Language is of qualifying nature. The marks obtained in English language section will not be included in the total marks.But the candidate has to secure 9 and 10 marks under SC/ST and Other categories respectively in order to move forward to the next level.
Syllabus of English Language:
English Language comprises of three major categories: Verbal Ability, Vocabulary and Grammar Knowledge. Let us have a detailed view of all the three categories and the questions that are expected to come in the upcoming LIC AAO Pre 2019.
1. Verbal Ability: This category checks the reading and writing skills of the candidate. This includes the following chapters.
I. Comprehension Test- Comprehension test is the fundamental topic of English section, which comes in all the competitive exams yet has high weightage. We can expect 5-7 questions from Comprehension Test in LIC AAO Pre 2019.
Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
If the financial performance of India’s largest lender is anything to go by, an end to the severe bad loans crisis may be much farther beyond the horizon than previously anticipated. For the first time in almost 19 years, the State Bank of India reported a quarterly loss of Rs 2,416 crore for the three months ended December, compared with a net profit of Rs 2,610 crore in the year-earlier period. While the figures are not strictly comparable after SBI completed merger with its associates, the loss was the result of both a massive increase in provisions to account for bad loans and a substantial amount of mark-to-market losses on its holding of government bonds. Provisions for non-performing assets (NPAs) more than doubled to about Rs 17,760 crore, from about Rs 7,200 crore in the third quarter of 2016-17. On treasury operations, SBI recorded a loss of about Rs 3,255 crore, versus a profit of about Rs 4,776 crore in the comparable period. The bank revealed that an audit by the Reserve Bank of India showed a divergence of Rs 23,239 crore in the way it classified assets at the end of the last financial year, which led to increase in provisions in the last quarter. Most of these reclassified assets are linked to troubled projects in sectors including power and telecom. SBI, of course, is not the only lender to have had its assets forcibly reclassified by the RBI. Private sector lenders have also been found guilty of pushing troubled assets under the carpet until the RBI called their bluff.
According to a joint study by Assocham and Crisil, gross NPAs in the banking system are estimated to increase to Rs 9.5 lakh crore by March 2018, from Rs 8 lakh crore a year earlier. In that case, write-offs recognising losses may be the most honest and practical way to deal with the bad loans problem. So the RBI in the coming months should continue to push banks, both public and private, to promptly recognise the stressed loans on their portfolios. Incidentally, Prime Minister NarendraModi last week laid the blame for bad loans on the previous government. While it is quite true that the present bad loans crisis has been a long time in the making, the problem of lax corporate governance, which has plagued public sector banks and contributed in no small measure to the present crisis, still remains largely unaddressed by the government. Even the latest plan to recapitalise public sector banks may achieve little more than giving some temporary relief to lenders for the sake of reviving credit growth. The bad loans problem is likely to remain a festering sore and risks undermining the health of the economy until meaningful structural reforms to the banking system are undertaken.
Which of the following is/are true as per the passage?
I. According to a joint study by Assocham and Crisil, gross NPAs in the banking system are estimated to increase to Rs 9.5 lakh crore by March 2018, from Rs 8 lakh crore in 2017.
II. SBI is the only lender to have had its assets forcibly reclassified by the RBI.
III. In terms of provisioning, SBI recorded a loss of about Rs 3,255 crore in 2018, versus a profit of about Rs 4,776 crore in the comparable period.
A. Only II
B. Only I
C. Only I and III
D. Only II and III
E. None of the above
Refer to:
‘According to a joint study by Assocham and Crisil, gross NPAs in the banking system are estimated to increase to Rs 9.5 lakh crore by March 2018, from Rs 8 lakh crore a year earlier.’
Statement I is correct.
‘SBI, of course, is not the only lender to have had its assets forcibly reclassified by the RBI.’
Statement II is incorrect.
‘On treasury operations, SBI recorded a loss of about Rs 3,255 crore, versus a profit of about Rs 4,776 crore in the comparable period.’
Statement III is incorrect.
Hence, option B is correct.
The above mentioned is an example of the comprehension based questions, that are expected to come in LIC AAO Pre 2019.
For more questions, please go through the below link.
Comprehension Passage Click Here…
You can also download the exercise on comprehension test in form of PDF by clicking the below mentioned link.
PDF for Passage No. 99
II. Cloze Test- Cloze test is another important chapter that is commonly seen in Bank exams and also in NIACL AO Pre and Mains exam.
Old Pattern Cloze test questions:
Direction: In the following passage seven blanks have been given. For each blank, a number of phrases have been suggested, one of which is the correct one for that blank grammatically and contextually. Select the answer for each and mark that as your answer.
With the decades-old minimum support price (MSP) system _______ A _______ the crisis at the farm gate, the three schemes that are a part of AASHA – the Price Support Scheme (PSS) itself, the Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS) and the Pilot of Private Procurement and Stockist Scheme (PPPS) – point to an innovative, MSP-plus approach to the problem of non-remunerative prices. Under the PDPS, the Centre _______ B _______ to pay oilseed farmers the difference between the MSP and market price. The advantage of this scheme is that the Centre can keep the farmer satisfied without having to go through the hassle of physical procurement, storage and disposal. Freed of these logistical hassles, the geographical reach and coverage of PDPS is likely _______ C _______. The PSS, or expanded MSP, will allow the FCI to procure pulses, oilseeds and copra from States that display interest. The PPPS is a new idea. _______ D _______, the Centre will persuade States to bring in private players to procure at MSP. It promises a maximum of 15 per cent of MSP as a service charge to the private player to compensate for the loss. In all these schemes however, the key will be the implementation; failure to create a system of checks and balances can derail them. For instance, the experience of Madhya Pradesh which implemented the PDPS under the BhavantarBhugtanYojana last year, shows that it _______ E _______. Ground level checks reveal that traders connive with each other and depress prices at mandis. They force farmers to sell at lower prices and pocket the compensation from the government. Many small and marginal farmers _______ F _______ to sell their produce under the Bhavantar scheme, face a double whammy of lowered price and no compensation. The PSS would be easier to implement, with nodal agencies doing the procurement. However, the Centre _______ G _______to provide funds. With the additional Rs.16,550 crore guarantee for raising working capital from banks now being made available, the total credit guarantee given to institutions under PSS is already Rs.45,550 crore. But if all States apply to NAFED/FCI for procurement of oilseeds or pulses, the agencies will fall short of funds.
A. Fragmentation of yield
B. Failing to address
C. Understanding to ratify
D. Interested in developing
E. None of the above
From the given context, it is clear that the age-old Minimum Support Prices scheme was not enough to address the problems of the farmers in the country. That is why, the government has decided to announced the new schemes so that they can address the issues faced by the farmers in the country.
Coming to the given options, option A is not correct since it is not relevant to the given context and the same can be commented about the options C and D, which are also out of context for the given blank. Hence, these options can be eliminated easily. Option B correctly explains the perception regarding the MSP scheme of the government.
This makes option B the correct choice among the given options.
To practice more questions, please click the below link.
Cloze Test Click here ….
You can also download the exercise on comprehension test in form of PDF by clicking the below mentioned link.
PDF For Exercise No. 61
New Pattern Cloze test questions:
Directions: In the following passage, some of the words have been made bold, each of which is preceded by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given below that could replace the bold word so as to make the paragraph meaningful.
After years of ___ A ___ disputed over whether Pluto is a planet, in 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted to remove Pluto’s planetary status. Now some researchers are ___ B ___ validating this decision, citing the manner in which scientific tradition has dealt with the taxonomy of planets. The IAU, in 2006, designated Pluto a ‘dwarf planet’ along with Ceres in the asteroid belt and Xena, an object in the Kuiper belt, which is an icy ring of frozen objects that circle the solar system beyond Neptune’s orbit. It was a bid to overcome sentiment and go by scientific ___ C ___ reflection . The meeting defined three conditions for a celestial object to be called a planet: one, it must orbit the Sun; two, it should be massive enough to acquire an approximately spherical shape; three, it has to ‘clear its orbit’, that is, be the object that ___ D ___ excerpts the maximum gravitational pull within its orbit. Owing to this third property, if an object ventures close to a planet’s orbit, it will either collide with it and be accreted, or be ejected out. However, Pluto is affected ___ E ___ at Neptune’s gravity. It also shares its orbit with the frozen objects in the Kuiper belt. Based on this, the IAU deemed that Pluto did not ‘clear its orbit’. Dwarf planets, on the other hand, need only satisfy the first two conditions.
This rationale has been questioned by Philip Metzger, a planetary physicist who has worked with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and others who have studied the history of classifying planets and come up with several ___ F ___ abnormal to the third rule. In a paper published in the journal Icarus, they point out that the only work in history that used this rule to classify planets was an article by William Herschel in 1802. They also argue that this work was based on reasoning and observations that have ___ G ___ because been disproved. However, the last argument does not build up a strong enough case to give up what is, in fact, a sensible rule. Physics has many examples where an idea was once ___ H ___ jeopardized for being incorrect, and much later emerged in a different form and gained acceptance — the concept of photons, for instance. And then again, if Pluto were to be re-designated a planet, many more complications would ___ I ___ dwell . For one thing, Charon, Pluto’s moon, is much too large to be called a satellite. Judging by this, the Charon-Pluto system should then rightly be called a binary planet system. This would then lead to classifying several other sets of bodies as binary planets. Recent research shows that both the Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud, a shell of objects that surrounds the entire solar system far beyond the Kuiper belt, contain objects that can then be called planets, thereby complicating the issue. Denying planetary status to Pluto is then nothing less than a sweep of Occam’s razor, and Pluto remains a dwarf planet, ___ J ___ all an exceptional one.
A. Entertaining
B. Speculating
C. Arguing
D. Teaching
E. No replacement required
The statement talks about how, after years of debating, Pluto was removed from the list of planets. The only option that fits in is arguing.The others talk about speculation, entertainment etc.
Hence, option C is correct.
To practice more questions, please click the below link.
Cloze Test Click Here ….
You can also download the exercise on comprehension test in form of PDF by clicking the below mentioned link.
PDF For Exercise No. 61
Old pattern based Cloze Test has more possibility of coming in LIC AAO Pre 2019, as the English section is of qualifying in nature so paper won’t be that difficult.
III. Rearrangement of Sentences- This chapter may have the following patterns and any of them could have make it to the Prelims this year.
Pattern 1: In this pattern, position of one of the statements is fixed and rest of the statements aredispositioned and has to be arranged in correct order.
Directions: A set of six statements is given below. It is given that statement D is the last statement when arranged correctly. You need to arrange them in a logical sequence and then answer the following questions:
A. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who led the Victory Alliance, bet on the gains the Iraqi army made under his leadership in the war against the Islamic State to win political points.
B. The May 12 parliamentary vote was crucial for all the main blocs in Iraq.
C. For the Al-Fatih bloc, a coalition of parties and leaders that have close ties with Iran, capturing power was important at a time when Iran is facing new regional challenges, and they ran a largely pro-Shia campaign.
D. Mr. Sadr, on the other side, shed his early sectarian image, focussed his campaign on social justice and government failure, attacked Iran’s deepening influence in Iraq from a nationalist perspective and stitched up alliances with liberals and communists to expand his base.
E. Iraq’s parliamentary election results marked a remarkable comeback for Muqtada al-Sadr.
He is the nationalist Shia cleric who for years had been sidelined both by the Iraqi establishment and its Iranian backers.
Which of the following would be the first statement after re-arrangement?
A. F
B. E
C. A
D. C
E. B
It is given that D is the last statement. Out of the rest, E is the best fit for being the first statement as A and C are clearly continuations of previous statements. B cannot be the first statement as then E would not fit anywhere else. Hence, E is the first statement.
E and F:
E. Iraq’s parliamentary election results marked a remarkable comeback for Muqtada al-Sadr, the nationalist Shia cleric who for years had been sidelined both by the Iraqi establishment and its Iranian backers.
F. He is the nationalist Shia cleric who for years had been sidelined both by the Iraqi establishment and its Iranian backers.
F and B: B gives the background for statements E and F
F. He is the nationalist Shia cleric who for years had been sidelined both by the Iraqi establishment and its Iranian backers.
B. The May 12 parliamentary vote was crucial for all the main blocs in Iraq.
B and A:
B. The May 12 parliamentary vote was crucial for all the main blocs in Iraq.
A. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who led the Victory Alliance, bet on the gains the Iraqi army made under his leadership in the war against the Islamic State to win political points.
A and C:
A. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who led the Victory Alliance, bet on the gains the Iraqi army made under his leadership in the war against the Islamic State to win political points.
C. For the Al-Fatih bloc, a coalition of parties and leaders that have close ties with Iran, capturing power was important at a time when Iran is facing new regional challenges, and they ran a largely pro-Shia campaign.
C and D:
C. For the Al-Fatih bloc, a coalition of parties and leaders that have close ties with Iran, capturing power was important at a time when Iran is facing new regional challenges, and they ran a largely pro-Shia campaign.
D. Mr. Sadr, on the other side, shed his early sectarian image, focussed his campaign on social justice and government failure, attacked Iran’s deepening influence in Iraq from a nationalist perspective and stitched up alliances with liberals and communists to expand his base.
The correct sequence is E-F-B-A-C-D.
As per this, statement E is the first statement.
Hence, option B is correct.
For more such questions log on to the below link.
Rearrangement of Sentences Click Here …
Please click the below link to download rearrangement of sentences questions PDF .
PDF for Set No. 26
Pattern 2: In these questions all the six statements are displaced and no fixed order is given.
Directions: Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E, and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the question given beside.
- In dualistic thinking, students typically tend to depend on figures of authority as benchmarks on what is right or wrong rather than analysing facts.
- An understanding and realisation of this model could enable students to develop intellectually beyond the level.
- His concept of dualistic thinking in his model of intellectual development involving nine levels, published in 1970.
- Perry’s model today remains part of college teaching systems in many western contexts.
- William G. Perrywas a well-known educational psychologist who studied the cognitive development of students during their college years.
- Dualism refers to the first level of intellectual capacity, to understand good and evil in black and white, sans intervening shades.
Which of the following would be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
A. E
B. F
C. D
D. B
E. A
The correct sequence of the sentences is E-C-F-A-B-D and the fourth sentence clearly is A.
Option E is hence the correct answer.
Out of the six sentences, the sentence E is clearly the first one as it introduces ‘William G. Perry’ (A proper noun) and sets the tone of the passage by mentioning the noun phrase ‘Cognitive Development’ (Again, a proper noun) in the sentence.
Sentence Cimmediately follows as it describes the model developed by William G. Perry. Interestingly, the writer has used the phrase ‘Intellectual development’ in place of ‘Cognitive development’. However, both the adjectives ‘intellectual’ and ‘cognitive’ are similar in meaning.
Keywords/Phrases that link C to E:
“His” in C links to “William G. Perry” in E.
“Intellectual development” in C links to “Cognitive development” in E.
Sentence F is to follow next as it refers to the first of the nine levels of intellectual development, mentioned in the previous sentence.
Keywords/Phrases that link F to C:
“First level” in F links to “nine levels” in C.
The sequence made so far is: E – C – F.
The sentence A follows next as it takes the description of ‘Dualism’ further.
Keywords/Phrases that link A to F:
“Dualistic thinking” in A links to “Dualism” in F.
Now, the sentence B describes how the model of ‘Dualistic thinking’ enables students to develop intellectually. The sentence B clearly, is to follow the sequence next.
Keywords/Phrases that link B to A:
“This model” in B links to “Dualistic thinking” in A.
“Students” in B links to “Students” in A.
Obviously, sentence D must be the last sentence in the sequence and hence the complete made after rearrangement is –ECFABD.
For more such questions log on to the below link.
Rearrangement of Sentence Click Here …
IV. Match the Column- This chapter is newly added to the syllabus of competitive exams. Under this, sentences of one column are to be matched with their corresponding sentences given in another column keeping in mind the grammar rules and the context.
Directions: Match the sentences given in column 1 with the sentences given in column 2 so that a grammatically and contextually correct sentence can be formed. You have to choose the combinations from the given options that make a contextually and grammatically correct sentence.
Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
A. | Since the creation of Pakistan, the province of | D. | sharp focusingon the expansion of its navy and air force. |
B. | China is rapidly modernizing its armed forces by | E. | entering the field which has tried to address the lack of women by training staff in unconscious bias. |
C. | Without role models, girls did not consider | F. | Sindh has never had an elected Mohajir chief minister. |
A. B-F, A-E
B. A-F, B-E, C-D
C. A-F, B-D, C-E
D. C-E, A-F
E. None of these
Since the creation of Pakistan, the province of Sindh has never had an elected Mohajir chief minister.
Fragment A of column 1 is correctly matched with fragment F of column 2 to make a grammatically as well as contextually correct sentence.
China is rapidly modernising its armed forces by sharp focusing on the expansion of its navy and air force.
Fragment B of column 1 is correctly matched with fragment D of column 2 contextually but grammatically it has errors with respect to part of speech being used.
Here instead of adjective ‘sharp’, adverb ‘sharply’ is preferred. Thus the correct sentence would be: China is rapidly modernising its armed forces by sharply focusing on the expansion of its navy and air force.
Without role models, girls did not consider entering the field which has tried to address the lack of women by training staff in unconscious bias.
Fragment C of column 1 is correctly matched with fragment E of the column 2 in terms of both grammar and context.
Thus A-F and C-E make contextually and grammatically correct sentences.
Hence option D is correct.
We can expect these type of questions in Mains exam but 1 or 2 question might be possible in LIC AAO prelims as well but of easy level.
V. Sentence Completion- Generally this chapter is seen in most of the mains exams like SBI PO Mains, IBPS PO Mains, NIACL AO Mains but it might be possible that few questions on this chapter with an easy level can be observed in the upcoming LIC AAO 2019 as well.
Directions : In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. You are provided with three fragments I, II and III. You have to identify which statement/statements can carry forward the given sentence in the most logical way so as to make the sentence coherent and contextually correct.
Although annual inflation rate has hovered on the lower side of 6%, __________ .
I. it has steadily been trending upwards since 2015.
II. the Central Bank considers those readings to be consistent with its goal of 5-7%.
III.growth forecast has been reduced to 6% from 6.3%.
A. Only I
B. Only III
C. Only I and II
D. Only II and III
E. All of the above
The statement states that the annual inflation rate has been low. It starts with 'although' which implies the next statement should be in contradiction with the one given.
Statement I: Although annual inflation rate has hovered on the lower side of 6%, it has steadily been trending upwards since 2015.
The first statement says inflation has been rising since 2015. This means that although the annual inflation is lower this year yet, as compared to the years since 2015, it has risen. This makes sense and is correct.
Statement II: Although annual inflation rate has hovered on the lower side of 6%, the Central Bank considers those readings to be consistent with its goal of 5-7%.
Statement II says the Central Bank considers those readings to be consistent with its goal of 5-7%.This also looks consistent with the context.
Statement III: Although annual inflation rate has hovered on the lower side of 6%, growth forecast has been reduced to 6% from 6.3%.
The last statement, however, does not match with the original statement. When inflation is low, growth slows down. So both the statements are in agreement with each other rather than contradiction.
Hence, option C is correct.
For more such questions go through the following link.
Sentence Completions Click Here …
To download the sentence completion questions with detailed explanation in PDF, click the below link.
PDF for Quiz 1
VI. Sentence Replacement- Two types of questions are asked under this chapter.
Directions: In the questions below, a sentence is given, followed by five options. Choose the option that best conveys the same meaning as the original sentence and is correct with respect to grammar, meaning and usage.
Men are so much biased against the qualities of a woman that when a woman works excellently, men say 'she is a man'.
- Men are so much biased against the qualities of a woman that when a woman works excellently, men say 'she is a man'.
- Men, being biased towards themselves, claim that women can’t do many tasks which they can do with excellence.
- Men are naturally biased and except the world to be like them only.
- Men, being extremely prejudiced against the qualities of women, opine that men are superior to women in any given task.
- Men believe that they are superior to others and must not be taken for granted.
Sentence I. Men are generally biased against the qualities of women and can’t bear them grow.
The inclusion of the part ‘can’t bear them grow’ is absurd as the original sentence nowhere talks about women’s growth. Option A is hence eliminated.
Sentence II. Men, being biased towards themselves, claim that women can’t do many tasks which they can do with excellence.
Here, the phrase ‘many tasks’ makes option B a weak choice. The original sentence implies that men in general believe that women are inferior to them in any given task. Option B also gets eliminated.
Sentence III. Men are naturally biased and except the world to be like them only.
This can be eliminated straightaway. The original sentence talks about only ‘men’ and ‘women’ and not the whole ‘world’.
Sentence V. Men believe that they are superior to others and must not be taken for granted.
This is absolutely absurd and doesn’t make any sense in the context of the sentence given.
Sentence IV. Men, being extremely prejudiced against the qualities of women, opine that men are superior to women in any given task.
The above sentence conveys the same meaning as the original sentence does and is both grammatically and contextually correct.
Evidently, option D is the correct answer.
To practice more such questions, please follow the below mentioned link.
Sentence Replacement Click Here …
For sentence replacement questions PDF please follow the below link.
PDF for Quiz 3
2. Grammar Knowledge: The topics under this section test the knowledge of aspirants related to various grammar rules.
I. Find the Error- Under this chapter various patterns are observed in bank and insurance exams.
Pattern 1:
Find the error in one of the following fragments/parts.
A. The Competition Commission of India
B. imposed a fine of Rs 136 crore on search engine
C. major Google of unfair business practices
D. in the Indian market for online search.
E. No error
Fragment C of the sentence has an error with respect to incorrect preposition.
'Of’ is the wrong preposition used here as the fragment after ‘of’ states the reason for imposition of fine and so for this purpose, preposition ‘for’ is used.
Correct sentence- The Competition Commission of India imposed a fine of Rs 136 crore on search engine major Google for unfair business practices in the Indian market for online search.
Hence option C is the correct answer.
For more questions on Find the Error log on to the below link.
Find the Error Click Here …
For Find the Error questions PDF click the below link.
PDF for Quiz 41
Pattern2: In this type of questions, fragment with “No error” is to be chosen as answer.
Directions: In the questions given below, a statement has been divided into 5 parts with one or more parts containing an error (grammatical and contextual). You are required to choose the part/parts which do not have an error and are contextually and grammatically correct.
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (A) / is of the opinion that the Indian Team (B) / should play more practice matches (C) / in any foreign tour in order to get (D) / the desired success on the foreign soil. (E)
A. Both B and D
B. A, D and E
C. A, B, C and E
D. A,B, D and E
E. All fragments are error free
There is no error in any part of the sentence and therefore, no correction is required in any part of the sentence.
This makes Option E the correct choice among the given options.
For more such questions, click the below mentioned link.
Find the Error Click Here …
For “Find the error” questions PDF, please click the below link.
PDF for Quiz 48
Pattern 3:
Directions: The given sentence has been broken up into four different parts. The error, if any, will be in one or more parts of the sentence. Select the option which contains the part/parts of the sentence which has/have an error (spelling, grammatical or contextual). If there is no error, choose option E.
I. It is very important to note that
II. India is going through a grave financial crisis
III. though the economical situation of the country
IV. is strong, according to the Finance Minister.
A. Only III
B. I and II
C. Only IV
D. II and IV
E. No error
Fragment III is incorrect since here we are talking about the economic situation of the country and ‘economical’ refers to inexpensive or cheap, hence, this is incorrect in the given context.
All the other fragments are correct in all aspects.
The correct sentence would, therefore, be: It is very important to note that India is going through a grave financial crisis though the economic situation of the country is strong, according to the Finance Minister.
So, option A is the correct choice.
For more such questions, click the below mentioned link.
Find the Error Click Here …
For “Find the error” questions PDF, please click the below link.
PDF for Quiz 44
Pattern 1 and 2 have more possibility to come in LIC AAO Pre 2019.
II. Sentence Correction-
Direction: In the questions given below, there is a sentence in which one part is given in bold. The part given in bold may or may not be grammatically correct. Choose the best alternative among the four given which can replace the part in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the part given in bold is already correct and does not require any replacement, choose option (e), i.e. “No replacement required” as your answer.
The bank will honour the claim of the purchaser up to certain amount only and beyond that the seller is responsible to pay.
A. Up to the certain amount
B. Up to certain amounts
C. Up to several certain amounts
D. Up to a certain amount
E. No replacement required
The given phrase in bold is incorrect since it is referring to an amount which is not specified but the payment will be up to that amount only. It should be preceded by an article ‘a’ which is missing in the given statement. It should have been up to a certain amount.
The correct sentence would have been: The bank will honour the claim of the purchaser up to a certain amount only and beyond that the seller is responsible to pay.
This makes option D the correct choice among the given options.
For more such questions, follow the below link.
Sentence Correction Click Here …
Sentence correction questions PDF is available at the below link.
PDF for Quiz 28
III. Sentence Connector-
Directions: You are presented with two statements followed by four possible conjunctions that can join the two sentences to form one sentence. Identify which conjunction can join both the sentences in such a way that meaning of the two statements would not change. If none of the conjunctions are correct, mark 'none of these' as your answer.
I. The rupee suffered a drastic loss of about 20% in just a few months.
II. The fall in value of Rupee has raised fears of a repeat of the currency crisis of 2013.
A. Like
B. Unlike
C. Whereas
D. Before
E. None of these
If we read both the sentences carefully we can observe that the sentence II refers to an event of past which is related to time (year 2013) whereas sentence I talks about an event that happened recently.
Clearly, none of the given connectors seems to fit in.
However, we can connect these two statements using ‘when’ as connector.
The fall in value of Rupee has raised fears of a repeat of the currency crisis of 2013 when the rupee suffered a drastic loss of about 20% in just a few months.
Clearly, option E is the correct answer.
For more such questions, follow the below link.
Sentence Connectors Click Here …
Sentence connector questions PDF is available at the below link.
PDF for Quiz 17
3. Vocabulary: As the name suggests this category checks the word knowledge of aspirants related to Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms etc.
I. Synonyms and Antonyms- Generally these are asked in the comprehension test i.e. words are taken from within the passage, but sometimes it is observed that separate synonyms or antonyms questions are asked in the exam.
Find the synonym for “Slothful”?
A. Fraught with rick
B. Lazy
C. Revengeful
D. Lenient
E. None of these
Slothful (Adjective): Someone who is slothful is lazy and unwilling to make an effort to work.
Ex : you don't want to do any work. You just want to lie around, eat bonbons, and maybe doze off a little.
Hence option B is correct.
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Find the antonym for “Facetious”?
A. Sacrastic
B. Sanctimonious
C. Humourless
D. Flippant
E. None of these
Facetious (adj) :
If you say that someone is being facetious, you are criticizing them because they are making humorous remarks or saying things that they do not mean in a situation where they ought to be serious.
Sacrastic (adj) :
Someone who is sarcastic says or does the opposite of what they really mean in order to mock or insult someone.
Sanctimonious (adj) :
If you say that someone is sanctimonious, you disapprove of them because you think that they are trying to appear morally better than other people.
Humourless (adj) :
Someone or something that is solemn is very serious rather than cheerful or humorous.
Ex: His solemn little face broke into smiles...
Flippant (adj) :
If you describe a person or what they say as flippant, you are criticizing them because you think they are not taking something as seriously as they should.
Hence option C is correct.
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II. Idioms and Phrases-
Pattern 1: In these questions, meaning of the idiom/phrase is asked.
Directions: Identify the words that are similar in meaning to the phrase in bold. If none of option conveys the correct meaning, mark (E) as your answer. The options do not necessarily need to be grammatically correct.
Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry
A. Normal
B. Abnormal
C .In sync
D. Disparaging
E. None of the above
Against the grain: If something goes against the grain, it is difficult to accept because it is very different from what is considered normal or natural.
Example: Having to import apples in an apple-growing region really goes against the grain!
Normal and in-sync are both opposite of the idiom’s meaning.
Disparaging means disapproving and is irrelevant.
Only abnormal matches with the meaning stated above.
Hence, option B is correct.
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Pattern 2:
Directions: You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given as bold.
Keep your chin up
A. To tell people about someone’s secrets
B. To encourage someone in his bad times
C. Everyone gets a chance eventually
D. Once in a life-time
E. None of these
Meaning: an expression of encouragement to someone who has to bear some emotional burdens.
Ex. Friend! Don’t lose hope. Keep your chin up!
Hence option B is correct.
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Pattern 3:
Directions: In each of the given questions, three sentences are given with a phrase/idiom highlighted in bold. You have to select the answer choice that states the combination of statements in which the idiom has been correctly used.
I. She had a big argument with her husband and in the fire of the moment, left him.
II. He was so excited about the new car that he had a cow.
III. He seemed so decent that it’s hard to believe he would have an egg on his face.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only I and III
D. Only II and III
E. None of the above
I. The correct idiom is in the heat of the moment and refers to a rash decision made in a frantic moment. This is incorrect.
Eg: Reckless spending is almost always the result of a heat-of-the-moment decision- an unplanned, impulse purchase where you hand over your credit card without thinking.
II. To have a cow is an idiom which means to have a fit. The original is thus incorrect.
Eg: He had a cow when he saw the mess we made
III. Egg on your face refers to being caught in an awkward moment and means that you’re embarrassed and ashamed. This is incorrect.
Eg: This latest scandal has left the government with egg on its face.
Hence, option E is correct.
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III. Misspelled Words- It is one of the easiest chapters, if you have learnt the words by reading out their spellings.
Directions: In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the word is your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer.
Ramesh had an aversion (A) / to alcohol and would (B) / avoid going to partyes (C) / with his friends. (D) / All correct (E)
A. aversion
B. would
C. partyes
D. friends
E. All correct
The correct spelling is ‘parties’.
Hence, option C is correct.
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IV. Word replacement-
Pattern 1:
Direction: A sentence is given below with three words highlighted in bold. Select the option that gives the correct set of words. In case the sentence is correct, select ‘no improvement required’.
Insomnia is becoming a very stern disease these days because of the improving levels of stress among the young generation due to like of employment opportunities.
A. Static, impending, loss
B. Serious, increasing, lack
C. Simultaneous, imploding, leave
D. Strict, improvising, lease
E. No improvement required
The original sentence is incorrect. A disease cannot be described as stern. Also, improving stress levels is the opposite of what is needed here. Like also does not make any sense.
Option A: Static and Impending (something about to happen) do not go with the context.
Option B: The words are correct in the context
Option C: All the words are irrelevant. Implode means to collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards.
Option D: All the words are incorrect. Improvising means to create spontaneously or without preparation.
Correct: Insomnia is becoming a very serious disease these days because of the increasing levels of stress among the young generation due to lack of employment opportunities.
Hence, Option B is the correct choice.
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Pattern 2:
Directions: In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is, select ‘E’ as your option.
There is a view that the across (A) of the rupee has been the appreciation (B) of a general result (C) of the dollar depreciation (D) all currencies.
A. Only A-D
B. Both B-C and A-D
C. Only B-D
D. Both A-B and C-D
E. The sentence is correct
The statement is not correct in its present form and it is clear from first bold word. Therefore, option E can be ruled out easily.
Now, coming to the given options, if we carry out the interchanging of the pair A-D, this will imply something but the statement will not completely make sense with this. But we are certain that our choice should contain the pair A-D. We have to find out another option with this pair and that option is B. And if we also interchange B-C, we shall find the correct sentence, along with interchanging A-D.
So, there is no requirement to check the remaining options.
This makes the correct statement as:
There is a view that the depreciation of the rupee has been the result of a general appreciation of the dollar across all currencies.
This makes option B the correct choice among the given options.
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V. Word Usage- This topic checks the capability of an aspirant to use his/her mind at proper time and use the words at their appropriate places.
Pattern 1:
Directions: In each of the questions below, a sentence is given with one word highlighted in bold. From the given options, identify the sentence which expresses a meaning opposite to the given sentence, with the highlighted word replaced by a word of the opposite meaning.
The majority held that the devotees of Lord Ayyappa do not constitute a separate religious denomination.
- The majority held that the devotees of Lord Ayyappa do not constitute a disembodied religious denomination.
- The majority held that the devotees of Lord Ayyappa do not constitute a united religious denomination.
- The majority held that the devotees of Lord Ayyappa do not constitute a divided religious denomination.
- The majority held that the devotees of Lord Ayyappa do not constitute a sovereign religious denomination.
- None of the above
The bold word "separate" means disconnected .
Synonyms: Free, independent, isolated
Antonyms: United, connected, associated
Clearly option B united expresses the opposite meaning of the given sentence.
Hence option B is correct.
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Pattern 2:
Direction: In the paragraph below there are five sentences. In each sentence there are pairs of highlighted words (A, B). Select the most appropriate words to form correct sentences. Then from the options given select the correct option.
Rewari’s Civil Hospital is a drab; double-storey structure that A) carries B) caters to roughly 15 lakh people living in and around the district. Sitting on a wooden bench in the hospital premises, in a small park A) utilized B) littered with plastic cups, cigarette butts and polythene bags, is a frail man, mostly unnoticed by the crowd of visitors hurrying past him. In his late forties, he is a A) meagerly B) genuinely paid Physical Training Instructor at a local school. He A) augments B) moderates his modest income by training kabaddi students in his village. He fought against all odds, including the A) determined B) violently patriarchal mindset entrenched in Haryana’s culture, to fulfil the aspirations of his teenage daughter, a Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) topper in Haryana.
E. None of the above
For blank I, A is not correct since the implication is that the said hospital gives service to 15 lakhs people residing in the village and by this logic caters is the right choice in this context.
Coming to Blank II, the context is that there are plastic cups all around the park in the premises of the Rewari Civil Hospital. Among the given words, B can actually mean that the park is full of plastic cups and other garbage.
For blank III, it is clear from the given context that the person was not earning enough and that is why he had to supplement his income with income from other sources. B cannot imply this sense whereas A is correct in order to imply the intended meaning.
Blank IV should be filled with A since we are talking about supporting the income of the person from the other sources and B will not fit in this context.
For blank V, we should go with B since it correctly explains the intended meaning of the author that the mindset revolves around patriarchy in the state of Haryana.
This makes the correct combination as BBAAB
Hence, option B is the correct choice among the given options.
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