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Simplification is one of most important topics among Bank Clerk Exams like IBPS Clerk Pre, IBPS RRB Clerk Pre, SBI clerk Pre Etc.
While solving Simplification Questions you must be aware with some basics points:
I. BODMAS Rule: You all know that each and every question of Simplification and Approximation follow only one rule which is BODMAS [Bracket-of-Division-Multiplication-Addition-Subtraction].
II. Numbers Table: This is basic of maths which we all must have learnt in our primary education. Now just we have to recall them. I know it’s little bit difficult but not possible so sharp your numbers table up to 40 and kick start your simplification journey.
III. Square and Cubes: After get yourself familiar with BODMAS and Tables learn square and cubes of numbers. Always remember square of numbers up to 50s and cubes up to 30s. They must be on your toes.
IV. Fraction and Roots Values: Learn fraction value till 20 and root values till 30 before going to appear almost in every competitive exam. You have to be a master of fraction and root values these values will definitely help to score high in any exam or you can say they will help you to solve Simplification Questions in just few seconds.
After downloading this Simplification Questions PDF, you must keep this thing in your mind that you are master of above points.
At Smartkeeda download new pattern based high level or easy level Simplification Questions PDF for Free, you will get to know the how to solve Simplification question fast with the help of Simplification tricks. So, Enjoy the learning and Keep Practicing.