LIC AAO Mock Test Online Free for LIC AAO 2024 Exam | LIC Mock Test 2024

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If your answer is yes, you have landed on the right page.
“Great things never came from comfort zones”
How Testzone is considered ‘The Best Test Series for LIC AAO 2024’ exam? Let’s understand this in this post.
Risk-taking is an inherent part of any exam- especially true what with the ever-changing pattern of competitive exams today. However, that does not mean the risk has to be taken blindly. There’s such a thing known as taking calculated risks. We at Smartkeeda help you take smart-risks while providing strategies to minimize any losses. Our specially designed Testzone, the best online Mock Test Series for LIC AAO 2024, is geared towards equipping you, dear aspirants, with the necessary ammo needed to crack even the toughest of all competitive exams.
1. Versatility is the name of the game
Someone said the willow survived because it knew how to bend with the wind while the stiffest tree cracked. Adapting to surprises and thinking on your feet in the exam hall are two qualities that would take you a long way in achieving success. Having said that, this ‘ability’ doesn’t evolve overnight and needs a lot of hard work.
How Test zone, Free Online Mock Test Series for LIC AAO 2024, helps:
Testzone not only helps you practice on the latest questions in vogue but also helps you turn rude shocks into pleasant surprises by including some brand new questions on never-seen-before patterns.
2. Learn the rules of the game and then play it better than anyone else
Risk-taking is an inherent part of any exam- especially true what with the ever-changing pattern of competitive exams today. However, that does not mean the risk has to be taken blindly. There’s such a thing known as taking calculated risks. We at Smartkeeda help you take smart-risks while providing strategies to minimize any losses. Our specially designed Testzone, LIC AAO 2024 Online Mock Test Series, is geared towards equipping you, dear aspirants, with the necessary ammo needed to crack even the toughest of all competitive exams.
How Testzone, LIC AAO 2024 Mock Test Series, helps?
The good news is that we at Testzone do all the dirty work for you- Our ‘Topic Analysis’ tab succinctly provides a visually appealing summary of the trending topics and sub topics under different sections.
Simply put, it helps you understand what sections and topics you need focus on more for a specific exam.
3. Recognizing the touch-me-nots
Sprinkled in between the most innocuous looking questions, the touch-me-nots can easily break your speed as well as confidence. These are questions that look inviting in the beginning but turn out to be notoriously twisted, causing you to lose not only time but also the chance to see your name in the coveted list. Needless to say, these are strictly off-limits.
How Testzone, LIC AAO Online Free Mock Tests, helps:
Alarm bell: Testzone through its ‘Smart Interface’ provides the aspirants with two types of timers on the interface- one showing the time taken by the topper to solve the question and the other showing the average time taken by the aspirants themselves for the same respectively. Specifically directed towards programming your mind against spending too much time on one question, a tiny alarm goes off on the interface in case the aspirant exceeds the average time.
Suggestion mode: Aspirants have a tendency to start solving the questions as they come on the screen instead of eye-balling through the entire section once. This not only lowers your chances of scoring more but also makes you vulnerable to the touch-me-nots. To showcase this, Testzone provides aspirants with the option to take the test either in the normal or suggestion mode respectively. While the normal mode is…well…normal, the suggestion mode changes the order of the question and lists the easiest questions first.
One notes a stark difference in their performance in the normal mode vs the suggestion mode. It has been seen that spending a minute just skimming and identifying the easier questions helps to not only save time but increases accuracy substantially. It also develops a knack for picking the right questions- something we at Smartkeeda strive for.
4. Sharpening your axe
Undoubtedly, there are many ways to solve a question. But knowing which one is the most suitable is a skill that takes you a long way in cracking any competitive exam. The bad news? Only through comprehensive research and practice can one develop this knack.
How Testzone, Free Online Test Series for LIC AAO 2024, helps:
The good news? We at Smartkeeda do all the hard work for you. We understand that the most important element of a question is its explanation and hence, you will find every question is followed by a long and lucid explanation, giving shortcuts and any other helpful tips and tricks along the way.
5. Analysis, Analysis and more analysis:
One of the most common reasons for failing to crack LIC AAO 2024 Exam is a lack of proper analysis. Blindly taking mocks will NOT be of any use unless you understand your problem areas and work on them.
How Testzone, Best Mocks for LIC AAO 2024, helps:
Testzone brings to you a comprehensive range of smart analytics- saving time that would otherwise have been spent analyzing along with providing an in-depth summary. Moreover, this analysis is from three vantage points- you vs topper, you vs yourself and a comprehensive overview as discussed below:
You vs Topper: We all yearn to discover the secret sauce that forms a part of the topper’s recipe for success. Well, the wait is over! Smartkeeda brings a novel feature wherein the aspirants can not only gauge their performance with respect to the test topper’s but also look at the order in which the topper attempted the questions, time taken per question, level of accuracy, areas of focus and much more. This provides the aspirant with an opportunity to strategize like the topper!!
You vs yourself: Smartkeeda enables you to view your current score against the previous ones and analyze your entire performance story.
Performance overview : Smartkeeda provides a visually appealing interface providing a comparison of your section wise score vs the cut-off score. Also provided is a summary of your marks, the cut off marks, the Test Topper’s marks- all in the form of diagrams and charts- giving you a bird’s eye view of the areas you need to work upon.
Hitting the bull’s eye: Under the ‘Accuracy’ tab, Smartkeeda provides a list of attempted questions along with the level of accuracy which helps you identify weak areas and work accordingly.
Time distribution: This tab breaks the test into four quarters of time, giving you an insight into the type and number of questions attempted in each time frame. Most importantly, it also provides what the topper attempted in the same quarter along with a comparison of how you have performed vis-à-vis previous tests. This enables you to understand the time spent on different sections, along with helpful tweaks including time spent on correct, incorrect and unanswered questions.
Question Preference:Simply put, this shows whether or not you’re selecting the ‘right’ type of questions to attempt. ‘Right’ here refers to the selecting the sitters while ignoring the touch-me-nots.
Blind spots- We tell you what you already know but don’t want to admit: This tab gives you a glimpse of the topics you are comfortable with and the ones which need more work. It also tells you the sitters that could have been solved had you been proficient with that particular topic!
A bird’s eye view ‘The My Performance Graph’:
This final tab neatly summarizes your entire performance in the form of delightful visuals, spread over three key indicators:
Percentile | Accuracy | Easy Question Selection
All the points above are Testzone’s USP and are of immense help to any aspirant. However, what really sets Testzone apart is its passion to build something that can actually help an exam aspirant in its true spirit.