IBPS SO HR 2018 Exam Planner IBPS SO HR Mains Test Series at Testzone

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By Smartkeeda
25 Nov 2020

Exclusive Timetable From Smartkeeda.Com— For IBPS SO HR Officer Exam 2018

Cracking the IBPS SO HR Officer exam is no mean feat owing to the vastness of its syllabus. To crack an exam with syllabus this vast is possible only with a well structured timetable with measurable milestones. This is what Leading online test provider smartkeeda.combrings to you today in this article. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

This series is only and only for those candidates who wish to see their name in the MERIT LIST on 1 APRIL 2019 & are ready for grinding hard work coupled with Smart work.

Life is not for the undisciplined ones who wither their energy without a set purpose but is for those who have the resolve of Iron and nerves of Steel.

-Swami Vivekananda.

Self Discipline is what sets Masters like ViratKohli, Bradman and Sachin Tendulkar MILES APART from others.

-Smart Vachan

A detailed Schedule for a SERIOUS ASPIRANT of the IBPS SO LAW OFFICER EXAM

Dear Students,

This schedule is designed to make you fly through all the three stages of IBPS SO HR exam. Lately, the competition has increased by leaps and bounds and a well thought of strategy is needed to crack this Exam. The exam consists of multiple sections in the preliminary as well as the Mains stage and has a plethora of areas to cover. But with a detailed schedule like the one given below along with an iron hand discipline will go a long way to help you crack the IBPS SO HR officer exam, giving you career security among other things.


Schedule Start Date 10 November 2018

IBPS Prelims is the MOST important step in becoming a HR officer. We say this because it is at this stage that most of the elimination takes place. It is absolutely crucial for you to be well prepared for the prelims to have an assured seat in the SO HR MAINS Examination in January 2019.

The Prelims is divided into 3 parts:

I. General Awareness Section

Advantage: Extremely scoring
Pitfalls: Extremely Vast, needs multiple revisions

Preparation of Current Affairs and Banking G.K: There is no need to buy out-dated books in the market or subscribe to any magazine. One of the most helpful and updated sources is the GK Today site.  The time period to be covered is from June 2018 to October 2018 along with daily practice in the form of quizzes which you can access here. There are 180 quizzes on the website (One quiz X one day X 6 months).



June 2018


Quiz 1 - 30 from

20 November 2018 - Current Affairs from June 1 to June 6 plus Daily Quizzes.

21 November 2018 - Current Affairs from June 7 to June 12 plus Daily Quizzes.

22 November 2018 - Current Affairs from June 13 to June 18 plus Daily Quizzes.

23 November 2018 - Current Affairs from June 19 to June 24 plus Daily Quizzes.

24 November 2018 - Current Affairs from June 25 to June 30 plus Daily Quizzes.

July 2018


Daily Current Affairs plus Quiz 1 - 31 from November 25th to 30th November - Repeat as above.

August 2018


Daily Current Affairs plus Quiz 1 - 30 from December 1st to December 5th- Repeat as above.

September 2018


Daily Current Affairs plus Quiz 1- 30 from December 6th to December 10th - Repeat as above.

October 2018


Daily Current Affairs plus Quiz 1- 30 from December 11th to December 15th - Repeat as above.

November 2018


Daily Current Affairs plus Quiz 1- 30 from December 16th to December 20th - Repeat as above.

December 2018


Daily Current Affairs plus Quiz 1- 30 from December 21st to December 25th - Repeat as above.

Preparing Static GK: For this part, refer to any standard GK book- Lucent GK is a very good option. The last 50 pages or so have the names of important parks, games, sport awards etc. These are very important for static GK. You must finish 2 pages daily. Thebook is concise but full of facts. Start from 20 November and Finish by 20 December to keep time for Revision. We will be providing quizzes from this section for practice soon. Keep checking this corner for updates.

II. Logical reasoning -- Start from 10 November 2018



Alpha Numeric Symbol Series

November 20th to 22nd 2018

Seating Arrangement Quiz

November 23rd  -24th, 2018

Coding Decoding Quiz

November 24th- 26th 2018

Puzzle Test Quiz

November 27th- 29th 2018

Blood Relations Quiz

November 30th- 1st 2018

Sequential Output Tracing Quiz

December 2nd- 3rd 2018

Directions Sense Test Quiz

December 4th- 5th 2018



Number and Ranking Test Quiz

December 6th- 7th 2018

Reasoning Data Sufficiency

December 8th- 9th 2018

Analogy Quiz

December 4th- 5th 2018

Alphabet Test Quiz

December 6th- 7th 2018

Classification Quiz

December 6th- 7th 2018

Missing Number Quiz

December 8th- 10th 2018

Maths Operations Quiz

December 8th- 10th 2018

Logical Sequence of Words Quiz

December 11th- 13th 2018

Eligibility Test Quiz

December 14th- 15th 2018

Keep 10 days for doing some reasoning questions which need more work.

The last section is English which needs regular preparation as it can be quite a tricky nut to crack at times.

III. English-- Start from 20 November 2018

Increase vocabulary: The only way to increase your vocabulary and not go crazy doing so is by cultivating a genuine habit of reading. It doesn’t have to be Shakespeare’s Othello; anything that interests you (and NO, Tinkle or Archie are definitely not a part of the reading list) and is meaningful would do. A suggestion here would be to read either the Economic Times or the Hindu. Reading papers would also help you with your general awareness and come in handy during interviews. Keep either a dictionary handy or use the site thesaurus.com to look up phrase and difficult words. This is an ongoing process and one is not recommended to spend more than 30-45 minutes reading the paper/anything.

Attempt Mocks:One of the best ways to understand where you’re going wrong is to keep attempting as many mocks and analysing them thoroughly. You can access the mocks here.

Attempt at least 5 Quizzes from each of the following sections every alternate day Till Exam Date. Do the complete sections of Synonyms, Antonyms & Comprehension Test.



Comprehension Test

November 20th to 22nd 2018

Rearrangement of Sentences

November 23rd -24th, 2018

Paragraph Completion

November 24th- 26th 2018

Sentence Replacement

November 27th- 29th 2018


November 30th- 1st 2018

Odd sentence out

December 2nd- 3rd 2018

Idioms and Phrases Quiz

December 4th- 5th 2018

Fill in the blanks Quiz

December 6th- 7th 2018

Word Replacement Quiz

December 8th- 9th 2018

Synonyms and Antonyms

December 10th- 11th 2018

Find the error

December 12th- 13th 2018

Sentence Connectors

December 14th- 15th 2018

Sentence Correction

December 16th- 17th 2018

IV. IBPS SO HR Mains Strategy And Schedule

The major topics of HR and time to be spent on each is as follows:




Human Resources Management (HRM):
Sub topics:

  1. Meaning, Nature, Scope, functions and objectives
  2. HRM vs Personnel Management
  3. Personnel Management functions
  4. Manpower Planning

3 Days


Human Resource Development:
Sub topics:

  1. HRD concept, Importance, evolution, Functions
  2. Organisation of HRD function
  3. Performance Appraisal
  4. Training & Development
  5. Quality of work life, Quality circles

3 Days


Organizational Behavior
Sub topics:

  1. Concept, Importance, Evaluation, Role
  2. Group Dynamics
  3. Motivation theories
  4. Leadership theories
  5. Job Satisfaction, Morale
  6. Organizational Change

5 Days


Job Analysis
Sub topics:

  1. Job Description
  2. Job Specification
  3. Recruitment- Recruitment policy, recruitment procedures, recruitment methods and evaluation.
  4. Selection- Procedure, design of application form, selection methods, the offer of employment, and evaluation of process.

3 Days


Training and Development
Sub topics:

  1. Purpose, Methods and issues
  2. Training: Concept, Role, Need and Importance
  3. Types of Training
  4. Process of Learning
  5. Developing an Integrated Approach of Learning in Training Programme

2 Days


Performance Appraisal
Sub topics:

  1. Definition, Purpose, Procedures and Techniques
  2. 360 degree Performance Appraisal
  3. Job Evaluation
  4. Compensation Administration: Nature and Objectives
    Components of pay structure in India

2 Days


Discipline and Grievance Procedures
Sub topics:

  1. Definitions, Disciplinary Procedure, Grievance Handling Procedure
  2. Industrial Relations: Nature, importance and approaches
  3. Promotion, Transfer and Separation: Promotion - purpose, principles and types
  4. Transfer - reason, principles and types
  5. Separation - lay-off, resignation, dismissal, retrenchment, Voluntary Retirement Scheme

2 Days



  1. Meaning & Concept, Personality Patterns
  2. Psychometric Theories -Cattele and Big Five
  3. Psychodynamic Theories - Carl Jung and MBTI, Transactional Analysis, Johari- Window
  4. Personal Effectiveness

3 Days


Industrial Relations

  1. Concept; Nature and Objectives of IR
  2. Evolution of IR in India
  3. Workers participation in Management,
  4. Employee discipline,
  5. Industrial Labour Organisation

2 Days


Trade Unions

  1. Trade Union Act 1926,
  2. Industrial Employment Act 1946,
  3. Industrial Disputes Act 1947,
  4. Minimum wages Act 1948,
  5. Payment of wages Act 1936,
  6. Equal remuneration Act 1976,
  7. Payment of Bonus Act,1965,
  8. Human Resource Management and IR- Management Approaches, Integrative Approaches to HRM;
  9. International Dimensions of IR.

4 Days


Labour Legislation

  1. Industrial Dispute Act
  2. Factories Act
  3. Workmen’s Compensation Act,1923
  4. Important Provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act
  5. Payment of Gratuity Act
  6. Employees Provident Fund Act.
  7. Maternity Benefit Act 1961.

4 Days

Time distribution for the Day for Maximum benefit of Smartkeeda Schedule

6 Hours exclusively for Prelims till 15 December 2018

6-8 Hours exclusively after 15 December 2018 till the exam.


How the IBPS SO HR 20 TEST SERIES PLAN helps:-

During all of this we will grill you with 21 TESTS OF IBPS SO PRE AND MAINS. The results will follow the Discipline!!!!!

All the best folks!!!! Start early. The syllabus is mammoth.

Perseverance my Lads, Perseverance is the Hallmark of men who create History.

-Swami Vivekananda.

Life is not for the undisciplined ones who wither their energy without a set purpose but is for those who have the resolve of Iron and nerves of Steel

-Swami Vivekananda.

Best wishes from Smartkeeda.com


Smartkeeda (author)

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